
여행.. 그리고 생각.. , Chennai Express India 2005

The people at the crosswalk watched me
as I took a pose to take some photos of them.

Then I wondered that
how many people could be affordable to take this express train for travel,
how many people could have a chance
to get out their home town to see more, to experiece more..
to get to know there is much bigger world than where they've been living..

And I wasn't quite sure that which lifestyle is happier..

I'd been travelling a lot
and sometimes I even thought that 
I'd been living on just a tiny little planet called Earth.

However.. does the dimension of physical coverage of space really matters in life..?
.. though it depends on lots of things..

No matter how big scale our life might span,
the depth & richness of our life might not proportional to the the spatial coverage..

So I might envy people who has been living in the same place for a long time
generation after generation with the all the same trees, flowers 
and grasses getting older and matured together with them..
with all the same color of moon waxing and waning with same trajectory..

What a lovely tree with the grand shadow in the late afternoon under the beautiful sky..

The train went up to the mountain right after the departure of the Mumbai Station
and I had a good chance to have such a great view of the mountain ranges
and all the different trees and green field of Western India.

Watching people in a long que wating something always gives me
a kind of nostalgic feeling though I don't know why..

Venders selling light food for passengers were nearly all males
and they were selling some Indian traditional snacks like fried Indian style dumpling..

stay holistic.. as much.. :p

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